Our Mission at the Jude O’Brien Fund is threefold:
1. To provide immediate help to victims of domestic fire by supplying help with necessities and information including but not limited to:
All transportation and accommodation as well as all help bags should be pre arranged and be ready for immediate delivery to any affected victim. Close communication with Fire & Rescue in delivering information for this, as well as, any benefactor receiving and recognising appropriate incident numbers supplied by fire and rescue is vital to have the desired result.
We believe that this will be a vital step in recovery from fire related incidents invading homes as it establishes a sense of independence, if needed, and fast tracks victims to get their lives back to a normal so sorely needed.
2. The creation and standardisation of an open sourced platform for fire protection devices. By using open sourced software, the broader community can have access to smart fire protection devices at a fraction of proprietary owned alternatives. This will also allow for a community driven effort to adapt and improve the systems available that have stagnated under existing licensed products. The goal is to have minimum state standards unaltered but by layering this with software improvements that can make fire prevention easier, safer and more effective with open sourced software.
©2024 by Jude O'Brien Fund Inc.